Who Invented Human?

I have a scifi idea coming out but i don't want to loose it so i put it in my blog.Some people think this might be crazy, but try to be open minded.By all years long,Human has been wondered how we come from.Or every body has heard a question about "Did the world have a chicken first or have an egg first."The question still haven't solved by the mean time.Or some people believe in Darwin evolution theory.Some might believe in bible.With all kind of explanation that how human come from.Some said we evolved from a single cell.Where bible said we are create by god base on his image.
Nowadays,Internet, Technology and Robotics is being familiar to our daily life.While we also watch a lots of movies,which shows how our future will be. I-Robot,Terminator,Matrix shows some kind of philosophy.Mean while, we can't resist that the future might share the world with robots. Robots might have Artificial Intelligent and they will think themselves in future.
And base on my observation.What makes a robot? steel, metal,electricity,liquid and some software installation..haha..by all means..It is made by the resources from earth.And a same philosophy that robots come from a shape of human.Which is same talk we share in bible.Where god created human base on his image then human create robots base on their own image..
In reverse psy

There might be a planet in the great universe where their minerals will be bones and their water will be blood.And Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) might be something that is created by somebody too.Think Again, where human can created Artificial Intelligent (AI) by our recent technology.It may be more in the future,then why that somebody create human intelligent and complicated nerves system is not possible?And even the robots might create other robot by producing some special molecules,who knows..just like human give birth by producing sperm and ovum 2 special cell.
The stories ends just like us.human dies.Why we die? Is because of some parts of our system fail to function.Where robots will die too if their operation system fail to function.If in the future will have a war between human and robot.Or during the war human race die and extinct.while robot taken over the world and they build their home in earth or maybe some other planet.Then generation pass by generation,age by age and long enough for the robot to forgot who created them.It all comes back to a circle.Just like our human nowadays.Then the robot will asking "How did robot come from?"And there must be have a robot like me writing a blog and wondering about it.

Unknown -------------------------> Human ----------------> Robot