Running in life

Since long time i din write a blog .after the day i see the accident.Coz is kind of busy doing my final year thesis.Through out whole sem,ppl in the world is worried and rushing,me either is a normal human being.Is trying to do my best and worried about my career,rushing my time to ...annoying...when u realise u always rushing in ur kind of suffer.ppl rush for money,rush for food,rush for work,rush for school..wo

I got insomnia again when tension come...I hate he feeling of worring..I hate to rush..but this is the rushing world that i live on..i remember there is a guy in tv when i watch in small..His name is Teddy Robin..and he say "..ppl rush better then rushing by time..""late is better than din attend."Which makes me know...i m living in a world that is lock in time..every day,every ppl is having a running compertition wif time.Now..finally i settle all my assignment..and do wat i like..
Sometimes just feel unfair,why shud i rush?,why shud i care?somehow my marks in my study is same as some student which is not rushing and not care..Well..the world is unfair..this is the fact..accept what you are..and u will feel better..i m responsible for wat i do..i m responsible for my mum..i m responsible for my just the matter of responsible..
"What we shud learn is run, not escape" well run and escape is a big different,we run towards our target..try the best of running.and not escaping problems, responsible.Rushing is care..what we rush of is what we care of..hope my blog brings comfortable for those who is rushing in life..and feel unfair for the sake of the world..what you r doing and wat you are rushing..u get the result..go on and wif me...someday..u will reach ur destination in life..
Run with us,here are the top runners for their life and target..
"I run for 3 years..coz my girl leave me,Dunno wat to do!"Forrest Gump
"I run in my whole life,coz if i dont run master won't give food to me" Horse
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